by Editorial Team | Jan 21, 2014 | Reviews
Just like many other music lovers, I’ve always had this eager desire to carry my speakers into the shower. But wait a minute… a speaker you say? Using an electronic gadget in the shower? This is sure to get spoiled with a single drop of water getting inside,...
by Editorial Team | Dec 25, 2013 | Reviews
No matter where you are, you are worried about the security of your loved ones. If you are a working parent and need to leave your kid with a nanny who is apparently unknown, it is quite difficult to concentrate. Even if, you have installed security camera and...
by Editorial Team | Dec 12, 2013 | Reviews
Music is an integral part of our daily lives. No matter where you are and what you are doing, you would love to listen to music. This Indie Rocker wireless Bluetooth speaker from White Label lets you carry music wherever you go; whether you are at a party, in your...
by Editorial Team | Dec 4, 2013 | Reviews
A small idea to solve a simple problem could indeed lead to much higher efficiency. Nonetheless, these ideas are of no worth unless they are worked upon and developed into useful tools. ONDiGO, an Android app is one among those ideas that began with solving a simple...
by Editorial Team | Nov 26, 2013 | Reviews
As a designer, you must be creative and no matter if it’s a one page brochure of your small company or the front page of Vogue magazine, people always praise “a good change”. It’s a game of ideas where you must assemble all your ideas in the correct sequence and only...
by Editorial Team | Oct 18, 2013 | Reviews
Betting is an addiction with many followers worldwide. The risk of gambling is what drives them crazy each time they place a bet. But due to its ill effects especially financially on families, this sport is banned in many countries. People no more can place bets in...