ShareMyToolbox is a perfect choice to bring personal equipment inventory to modern world. It is a convenient form of app which allows people to share tools what they have. Today, it is very easy to create an inventory of tools with this app. You just need to have images, description and serial numbers of product here. Overview tab is one among the main specialties of ShareMyToolbox.
Almost all the overview tabs of product is equipped with options like equipment info, creation date and availability of product. You can also check the availability of product from overview box. It serves as an easier pathway to connect with coworkers using tools and similar equipment for their work purpose.
Sharing of tools is not at all a difficult task at present. All in search of the best way to make use of an app to share their tools can make use of ShareMyToolbox in iPhone app. How to add connections in ShareMyToolbox? This question is quite common from new users. Generally, ShareMyToolbox own contact information tab so as to store information about the person and tool details.
You can make use of ShareMyToolbox menu and search for the required contact details. Here, users can see the full details of needed person including phone number and the number of tools owned by him. A person in need to check the details of product can make use of ShareMyToolbox menu details. Checking tool availability using ShareMyToolbox is quite easy. You can easily find it with the help of Tool view. Each product is written with a colored ring before name.
Blue and yellow colored ring represents the availability of product. Whereas, the grey colored ring before product represents the unavailable tool in list. A red colored ring in showed list represents the borrowed product by user. Today, thousands of mechanics are making use of ShareMyToolbox to find and search for their needy tools. How to borrow tool using this exotic app? This is a common question heard from new users. As said earlier, users can see the availability of tool in this app.
If a product is available in list, just tap the button borrow at the bottom of product. You can then see a pop up window showing the message. This procedure will send a request to the owner of product. According to the availability of product, owner can choose either accept or reject button in message. If the chosen option is “accept”, then user can get the required tool as per the need. Here, users are also allowed to choose the needy time of product.
At present, ShareMyToolbox app can be easily availed from app store online. If you are a company owner with a fabulous array of tools, never hesitate to make use of ShareMyToolbox. During earlier times, searching for the missed tool was so common. This problem can be totally alleviated by making use of ShareMyToolbox. At present, you can define ShareMyToolbox as a creative solution to meet the needs of mechanics and automobile workers.
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