The RoundMe app enables you spin in place to observe panoramic photographs of far flung locales. Panoramic photographs are the perfect method to really provide viewers a sense of location. RoundMe, a fresh app from Verdom IT projects, has created a network committed to sharing panoramas and providing virtual tours of cool areas. When you observe a photograph, you have to spin, physically spin, to observe the whole thing. The application importantly puts you in the shoes of the individual who took the picture. Verdom IT developers have seeded the application with expertly shot photographs of numerous attractions, Like Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, for you to journey to places you may not observe otherwise. You can upload your own images and search for shots from certain regions of the world. The app’s pictures are attractive however not always suitable for all ages. Like, on my latest viewing there’s a panorama of the Paris Museum of Eroticism. Oh, and if you’re used to dizziness, remember to conduct your tours slowly.
Virtual tours made easier

ro1Roundme is an attractive simple to use application that permits you to create, explore and share Spaces. Spaces is a group of panoramic images joined through Portals and packed with multimedia content from Hotspots. A travel around a property, a jump down the nature trail or just an engaging exhibit at a museum, Roundme possesses an entire panorama of possibilities. The application permits you to form a group of panoramic views that are joined through portals and packed with multimedia content. Your domination over the spaces you form enables you to make it engaging using rich text, videos and Hotspots with images, thus forming an awe inspiring viewer experience and does justice to the goal of your tour.

ro2Roundme is a wonderful tool for enterprises to display their facilities and properties to the full extent, however it’s also perfect fro us normal users by permitting us to increase something additional to our panoramic pictures, then simply share it via our social networks. It also provides a twist to exploring the global map, as observed through the eyes of the expanding Roundme community and their creative and wonderful panoramic images. Today’s technology permits anyone to become an expert photographer, and the Roundme app can make you perceive like you are not just taking photos anymore, but becoming a true photographer.
Roundme Main Features

Upload, author and later publish immersive panoramic images. Design fully interactive virtual tour or Spaces. Multimedia tools for detailed storytelling including still images, text and videos. Global Map to discover and explore beautiful travel locales. Lively community of the globe’s most talented panoramic enthusiasts and photographers

What’s New in Roundme Version 0.6.2

Even more smooth and stable view experience. Entirely new Feed. Upgraded World Map. Repaired lots of bugs you don’t desire to know about.


It needs iOS 7.0 or later. It is compatible with iPOD, iPhone, and iPAD touch. This application is optimized for Apple iPhone 5.

Worth Having App – Download the App