AreYouIn- Event Planner is an app available to download specifically for those with an iPhone or iPad. The app is very easy to download, and also includes easy sign in access as you can log in with your Facebook account. If you don’t want to use the login with Facebook option, you also have an option to sign in with a verification code that is sent directly to your phone.
The purpose of the app is to set up an easy to use event planner, that will in turn allow you to create invitations that you can send out to your friends. It offers a profile page, a feed page, a section in which you can easily set up the events you want to plan. The pros to this app include the accessibility, easy to log in nature of the app, and simplified set up. It is one of the top three apps under AreYouIn making the app extremely easy to find. When opening the app it is easy to login to, whether you prefer to use your Facebook or login through your phone. It’s is especially efficient for those using their Facebook login, as it gives you the abilities to send the invites to all of your Facebook friends. If you don’t use Facebook, you still have the ability to send the invite to the contacts already saved in your phone.
The set up of the app is also very simple and self explanatory. When you open the app you will be met with a screen that has a yellow bar, in which you can swipe through until you find the specific event you want to set up. These events can range anywhere from dog walking, the movies, or dinners. There are a large variety of them to choose from, which is also another pro. Under that bar, you have a section to invite guests to your event, input the address the invite will take place, the time, and more details about the event if necessary. This allows for easy to create invitations without wasting paper to do so. On the app itself, you also have a profile page in which you can easily manage the events coming up and determine whether people agreed to come to the event.
The only con I can see through this app is if someone is interested in an eye catching invite with designs, there aren’t very many opportunities to do that. This app is created to simply the the event planning and invite process without requiring too much thought or effort. Another con could be that it is not accessible to anyone without an iPad or iPhone. All in all, I would recommend this app to people who enjoy planning there day to day activities and want an easy way to invite friends. This is a great way to keep up with schedules on your phone, without going through the struggle of writing everything in a planner and making the invitations yourself. This app also makes the RSVP process incredibly simple. I would easily give this app a four out of five starts for efficiency and simplicity.
Worth Having App – Download the App