Getting a chance to create an amazing app for business using a great interface sounds great. Besides, once such an app has been developed, it can enable the business to have a wide exposure to its target clients. This action can ultimately reflect positively on the business. Interestingly, App Builder which has been designed by AppInstitute has brought fantastic experience to its users (preferably small businesses) by allowing them to use its platform to develop great apps.
In order to facilitate this process effectively, users can integrate different features like push notifications, manage actions from customer via app, and even check on the stats of the app downloads. So far, the app is 4+ rated proving that it has displayed great performance and brought great satisfaction to its users. Currently, one can access the app through German or English language. Clearly, it is worth trying out!
How the App Builder operates
Designed with a fantastic user interface, the business will discover how easy it is to use this app. Actually, the entire process which begins with early stages of app building till to the final stage of introducing the app to the App Store is easy and really efficient. With the integration of a simple interface, one will just need to drag and drop different features and modules. Some of the major components that the user can apply include content, social, m-commerce, push notifications, ordering, loyalty among others. This is absolutely one of the easiest app builders one can come across!
Compatible Devices for the AppInstitute’s App Builder
It is notable that this great App Builder has developed strong features that make it acquire a great platform to boost its operation. In relation to that, some of the recommended devices that work well with this app include iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone. Besides, the user will need iOS 6.0 or any latest version available to facilitate the functionality of this app.
This App builder has integrated numerous essential features meant to facilitate creation of high quality apps by small businesses. They include:
Communication platform with customers
In order to facilitate efficient contact with customers, App Builder contains the social feature that allows creation of links with social sites such as Twitter, Facebook , Instagram among others. Other supported features include creating twitter feed, inclusion of fan page and building of auto updates on pages and feeds. Additionally, integrating a contact form and appointment forms can also boost the manner in which the business can be easily contacted!
Check on App analytics
Apparently, this is a great feature that is meant to display the overall performance of the app. Some of the analytics that may be provided include the number of downloads done by users of the app, the number of reviews and rating provided. This will indicate the overall customer action on the app. Besides, analytics can be great basis for improving the app.
Come up with scheduled push notifications
After the app has been introduced to its target users, it would be great to hear their opinions through sending push notifications especially to those who have experienced its use. This is because push notifications has been known to be an effective way when it comes to creating engaging conversation.
Add Media and articles
Once the business app has been created by App Builder, the business can proceed to add different media which include videos, header images ( to give the app entire appearance), and other images related to the app. Besides, with the unlimited pages available, different articles can be integrated on the app.
Set background and splash screen
In most cases, the background reflect the image of the business thus there is need to make it more professional and unique. With customized templates, such actions can be boosted by App Builder. Additionally, the business can also customize and improve the appearance of the splash screen to make it more presentable. Meanwhile color editors can help one to select the perfect brand color to be adopted.
Ingrate efficient GPS for location
This is an interesting feature which can enable the clients to easily locate the business in an easy way. Putting the address and applying different maps and GPS locators can highly boost easy location. Besides, the GPs should be active and in real time to make it efficient.
Other Features?
Some of the incredible features that the user will enjoy from App Builder include Admob enabled (to make money from ads), loyalty cards with rewards, reservations within app, menus for mobile ordering and creation of app icons with App Icon Creator tool.
Here are the Pros and Cons that one will discover from the App Builder:
· Great performance exceeding expectations
· User-friendly app design
· Easy to integrate and use
· Perfectly laid and well organized
· Absolutely cost-effective; it is free!
· Performance slowdown from bugs
· Slightly challenging for beginner
Final Verdict
In the current dynamic society that is surrounded by the ever- new technology, businesses can become obsolete if they do not adopt easy ways to reach out to their customers. App Builder from AppInstitute offers absolute solution to small businesses to establish their own apps to facilitate customer relationship management. Clearly, this is a must-recommend to any business ready to make the best out of their customers. Download it from App Store today for free!
Worth Having App – Download the App