PGPTools is a little Android app that does pretty much what it is designed to do. The app can handle both decryption and encryption of messages by using PGT keys. The app can regenerate PGP keys and keep a list of private and public keys that are protected by the password of your choice. Th app also allows users to export and import keys when they need to do so.


The primary concept behind the app is ease of use and the convenience. Installing the PGPTools app gives you the PGP features you need at your fingertips. Easily accessible right from your Android phone without having to use the Internet.

The PGPTools is a paid app. This means that you get to enjoy the essential PGP tools without suffering from annoying advertisements. Considering that it’s such an important too, the asking price is worth it.

Features of the PGPTools app.

1. PGP keys generation.

The app lets you generate PGP keys right from your Android device. After downloading this app, you don’t need to visit the internet every time you need the keys. This is an excellent safety feature since we all understand the security concerns of generating PGP keys over the internet. They are exposed to attacks from hackers.

2. Import existing PGP keys.

The app also lets users import their existing keys instead of generating new keys. Importing keys will save you a lot of time and offer additional convenience. Importing keys using the app is very easy.


3. Export keys.

The app also allows users to export their newly generated keys and use them with their other devices. This makes it easy to manage your keys since you don’t have to generate new ones every time.

4. Encrypt outgoing messages.

The app will let you secure your outgoing messages and protect them from prying eyes by encrypting them. This era of technological advancement as seen massive growth of cyber crime. By encrypting your outgoing messages, you will be taking the first step to protecting your information.

5. Decrypt outgoing messages.

Apart from encrypting your outgoing messages, the app will use your keys to decrypt incoming messages.

6. Copy paste keys.

This app makes it very easy for you to manage your keys. Everything in this app is designed to ensure smooth and simple user experience. Apart from importing and exporting keys, you can also manage your keys by copy pasting keys throughout the app.

The PGPTools is a simple and very secure app to use for developers, members of the Bitcoin community and those who want to encrypt their messages. Though the app itself is not the most exciting app on the app store, it does what it is supposed to do very effectively.

The apps speed is very impressive too. Though the speed of decryption and encryption depends on your device, the app is very quick. The themes are impressive and give the app such a professional user interface.

If you are looking for an Android PGP encryption tool, then this is the best option in the android play store.

Worth Having App – Download the App