Considering the multi functionality of your camera phone and its ever increasing quality, you may be completely satisfied with your mobile serving the features of camera. But one thing every mobile user has to consider is that great photographers can capture great photos regardless of what kind of camera they have in their hand. Here are few lessons which you may learn while shooting through your camera phone –
- Searching the Light – Though the sensors found in every camera phone improved with every additional generation of devices, they still cannot match with those found in dSLRs. So being a mobile phone user you have to achieve perfect lighting whether artificial or natural. Applying the similar principle of dSLR shooting will help you to keep ISO levels extremely low.
- Maintenance – Most of the camera phone users keep charging and cleaning their devices on regular basis. It is good behavior but everything excessive is bad. Public charging stations are very easier to find out in big cities but those are hard to find out for large camera batteries. It would be nice to keep at least one extra battery with you whenever you are planning extra shooting. Whenever you return home, remember to recharge your batteries, even if those are partially drained.
- Composition of Shot – Composition matters a lot when you are using mobile phone which features camera. The camera display of your mobile phone is well equipped with optional grid overlay which helps you to compose your shots according to classic. Enhancing your basic skills is never a bad idea and it will give you foundation to shoot through your camera phone with decency.
- Using the feet: Have you ever tried using zoom feature of your phone? If yes, then you must be already knowing how appealing the overall results are. It’s an engineering logic, the thinner the phone more difficult it becomes to design the built in camera with zoom. You can forget zoom for some time. If you want a subject very close to your lens, the right bet is to user your feet wisely.
- Appreciation: In recent time, thought better modification has been done in camera of mobile phones in terms of better lenses, better sensors and high megapixels; it is never that easy to win over the dSLR users. In case you have spent significant amount of time with shooting through your mobile phone, you will feel strong eagerness in getting back to your main camera.
- Seeing through – Shooting with camera phone is definitely going to free up your brain. Off course, you don’t have any gear to look after and most important, there is hardly any setting to be done. You can spend significant amount of time just on seeing through the camera and get better view.
Good techniques are of great important than any device or costly gadget. If you agree with this, then challenge yourself by shooting for few weeks with only camera phone and apply the same techniques which you used with dSLR.